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Domestic waste treatment industry integration will use resource integration and organizational innovation

Article published:2024-03-25

Domestic waste treatment industry integration will use resource integration and organizational innovation as means to pursue the harmonious unity of economic and ecological benefits.

Domestic waste treatment industry integration will use resource integration and organizational innovation as a means, supported by information technology, by changing the correlation of economic activities and strengthening cooperation among regional members, reducing the impact on the environment and consumption of resources, and pursuing economic development. The harmonious unity of benefits and ecological benefits breaks through environmental resource constraints to the greatest extent, promotes the coordinated development of economy and environment, and creates development space for industrialization and modernization. It emphasizes the overall optimization of the industrial system on the basis of circular economy, rather than the pursuit of high efficiency or low consumption of individual shredder equipment manufacturing companies or industries. Division of labor promotes the improvement of the efficiency of individual producers, but from the perspective of the impact on resources, the use of materials and energy by a single enterprise or industry may not be good, nor does it show superiority in value creation. The integration of domestic waste treatment industry is to establish a functional system with reasonable structure, diverse levels and perfect functions, which can promote the flow and circulation of materials, energy and information in the ecological system and industrial system.

Domestic waste treatment industry integration will realize the economic development and resource conservation of the entire industrial system through the exchange of by-products and waste between integrated entities, the use capacity of domestic waste shredders and the step-by-step utilization of wastewater, and infrastructure sharing. coordination. Therefore, we believe that domestic waste treatment industry integration is based on system theory, through creative integration between different industries or between different departments of the same industry, to achieve material recycling and energy cascade utilization in the entire process from production, consumption to waste disposal. It is a new way of thinking for mankind to solve environmental resource problems in an open way. It is a readjustment of the industrial organization structure in accordance with the requirements of circular economy. It is a feasible solution to achieve sustainable development of industry under the constraints of environmental resources. It is also a way to optimize the industrial structure and transform the economy. An organizational model innovation in development methods.

Domestic waste treatment industry integration will use resource integration and organizational innovation

The development of the domestic waste treatment industry cluster determines that the industrial cluster will progress to industrial integration.

The development of the domestic waste treatment industry cluster determines that the domestic waste treatment industry cluster will gradually advance to industrial integration. First of all, the domestic waste treatment industry cluster is a complex economic system composed of many enterprises and organizations linked together according to certain purposes or needs, such as the cooperation of shredder equipment manufacturing enterprises. Each clustering body does not exist in isolation, but is closely connected with each other. economic elements together. Secondly, various agglomeration factors will interact and jointly promote the non-linear evolution of domestic waste treatment industry clusters. The domestic waste treatment industry cluster is not only a time-dynamic system, but also a structurally dynamic system. The domestic waste treatment industry cluster will always undergo functional and structural changes over time. Since the domestic waste treatment industry cluster is an open and far-from-equilibrium system, the domestic waste treatment industry cluster will have an impact on its surrounding environment as it grows and develops. At the same time, some experts believe that the environment will also give feedback on the behavioral results of the domestic waste treatment industry cluster. Under the feedback of the external environment, domestic waste treatment industry clusters will mutate and innovate as they adapt to the environment. Under the influence of self-reinforcement (positive feedback), this mutation or innovation will be amplified through the fluctuation of the system.

When the domestic waste treatment industry cluster crosses a certain unstable threshold and enters a new organizational structure, the law of large numbers will fail, and the original organizational form and organizational method of the domestic waste treatment industry cluster will no longer exist. But when a new structure is formed, the new organizational structure will strengthen itself under the influence of evolution, triggering the law of large numbers and spreading the new routine. There are five main forms of integrated innovation, including: the integration of unit technology and unit technology, the development of domestic waste shredders, the integration of design technology and processing technology, the integration of unit technology and system technology, the integration of technology and management, the integration of organizational structure and Workflow integration. Therefore, innovation can be not only in the field of technology, but also in the field of organizational structure. "Any behavior that can change the wealth creation potential of existing resources is innovation." That is, "innovative actions are to give resources new capabilities to create wealth." The domestic waste treatment industry cluster is an organism that includes the process of growth, development, and change. The innovation efficiency of the cluster can be achieved through innovation. With the rise and development of geographical agglomeration and domestic waste treatment industry clusters, enterprise clusters are constantly changing their structures and inter-subject connection methods according to changes in the external environment, and realizing structural optimization and functions of domestic waste treatment industry clusters through integrated innovation. emerge.