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What causes the plastic shredder to rust?

Article published:2024-01-26

What causes the plastic shredder to rust?

   Plastic shredders are widely used in large pipes, fibers, paper, wood, electrical devices, cables, PET bottles, cardboard, circuit boards, wood, plastic barrels, waste plastic, waste rubber, wood, paint barrels, and discarded home appliance casings ( Plastic shells, metal shells), waste circuit boards (circuit boards), waste cables, injection molding machine waste, machine head materials and other large-volume waste. What are the causes of rust when using a plastic shredder?

What causes the plastic shredder to rust?

   1. Material moisture
   When the plastic shredder shreds the material, the material may contain some moisture. If there are tiny cracks or defects on the surface of the shredder's cutter, moisture may penetrate into it, eventually leading to rust.

   Some waste materials may have chemical substances attached to them. As mechanical equipment, plastic shredders are made of metal substances. The chemical reaction between metal and some chemical substances causes corrosion, which can also cause rust.

   3. Improper installation
   When installing the plastic shredder, the operator should choose a dry place to avoid a humid place. If the shredder is in a humid place for a long time, it will also rust over time.

   4. Improper maintenance
   If you use the wrong method in the daily maintenance of the plastic shredder, it may also cause rust. For example, the cutting tools were not replaced regularly, and the residue inside the machine was not cleaned in time after using the shredder.